At the dawn of the American West, two men - one a little-known Creole, the other a closeted historical icon - entered into a volatile relationship that spanned a continent. THE WAGES OF JOHN PERNIA is their story: a Queer Western romance that emerges from between the lines of official American history.

THE WAGES OF JOHN PERNIA world premiered in international competition at DOK Leipzig 2023. The film’s UK premiere will take place in international competition at Flatpack 2024.


An emergent Artificial General Intelligence communes with her human progenitors through the uncanny persona of Melania Trump. Melania traverses deep time and space, encountering - among many others - a Supreme Being who looks a lot like Anna Wintour.

MELANIA INFINITUM first premieres in the US in competition at AIFVF 2024.


An overworked single mother encounters a bloodthirsty inter-dimensional demon—and possible salvation—in the laundry basket.

LODE is a recently completed short cosmic horror written and directed by Theo Watkins, and starring Tamzin Outhwaite. It is backed by the British Film Institute’s short film fund and will premiere in June 2024.

lost ones

Something is missing from Carl's life. He arranges a clandestine meeting with two strangers he hopes can bring answers.

LOST ONES is a recently completed short thriller written and directed by Andrew McVicar, and co-produced with Shudder Films (GOD'S OWN COUNTRY). It is backed by Goldfinch and North East Screen, and will premiere in 2024.

bad news

A trio of strangers converge for a management training day focused upon Leadership, Accountability, and Empathy. Their task: fire a colleague.

In artist and filmmaker Cecilia Stenbom’s semi-improvisational piece BAD NEWS, three actors assume professional personas to engage with a (real) corporate actor-facilitator whom they have never met before. In the film - as in the workplace, behind closed doors - applied theatre techniques originally designed to give individuals and communities a sense of agency are redirected to serve HR.

hello big weird

Composed of UAP 'witness' videos from across the globe - brief, ephemeral clips that straddle a blurry boundary between error, hoax, and genuinely unidentified phenomena - HELLO BIG WEIRD is a playful meditation on a once-ridiculed subculture's transition into respectability.


In the 1920s, the Klu Klux Klan briefly achieved the height of its power: not in the Deep South, but in the culturally liminal state of Indiana. Using never-before-seen archive, Klandiana explores the origin and horrors of the state’s unique form of Klan rule, and the legacy of historical amnesia that emerged in the era's wake.

Saint Marietta

A generation ago, a crusading paediatrician in a small corner of the North of England ignited a mass panic that consumed the police, social services, health services, and hundreds of the families they were supposed to serve. Saint Marietta uses found footage of the local area and its people to explore the strange and tangled story of how one doctor's dedication snowballed into a catastrophe.

William Jefferson Wilderness

Bill Clinton’s strange legacy as President of the United States and ringmaster of the 1990s is a confounding mess of public amnesia, nostalgia, and scorn. William Jefferson Wilderness is a personal exploration that legacy, and of the tangled process of consigning a former political hero to history.

Tony Fraginals

Anthony Godby Johnson was an early 1990s New York City miracle: a boy who escaped years of horrific abuse only to discover that he was dying of AIDS. A boy who authored his own autobiography. A boy who earned friends and fans worldwide—and who did not exist. Featuring Oprah Winfrey and the remnants of Anthony Godby Johnson's long-forgotten television special alongside the first public glimpse of the hoaxer behind the myth, Tony Fraginals tells the inside story of the scandal from the perspective a person for whom Tony was a childhood friend.